Blake was one of my first guy friends when I moved out to Colorado. He moved out the same month I did, and really had the same story. He was a midwest boy from Minnesota who came out because of his love for the mountains. Him and his roommates Michael and Chris (pictured below) lived in the same apartment complex as my two best friends CJ and Rachel, so naturally us three girls and those three boys always ended up hanging out. I remember times when Rachel was in the shower and CJ wasn't home and I'd catch him going through their kitchen. One time he turned around with a mouthful of orange juice and gave me the "quiet" sign before he tiptoed to the door, snatched a cookie, and booked it home.
The Minnesota boys being goofy, left to right: Michael, Blake, Chris. |
He loved life, and he loved being young. It was evident by his Christmas tree made out of PBR beer cans. Or how he left his car in the parking lot the entire season because he was so proud he could walk to the ski hill and everywhere else that he said it was staying there until it got towed out. It ended up having a flat tire and needed to be dug out before they even attempted towing it out.
Me and Blake didn't stay nearly as close of friends as our first year out here, but we always seemed to run into each other. I just saw him a few days ago actually, happy and partying as always. He didn't always make the best decisions, like anyone our age. Unfortunately sometimes you can't take your decisions back.
Friday night Blake got in a Jeep with four other people, including a drunk driver. They made it up Ski Hill Rd. before swerving out. The driver over corrected and rolled the jeep. Blake was ejected... He was 21-years-old.
Blake's death put a real perspective on death... how real and sudden it can be. It takes everyone, whether you're healthy or frail, famous or like Blake, who was just one of the guys. He was so young, and had his whole life in front of him... But death doesn't care. It's a painful reminder to everyone in Breck to not drink and drive, or get in a car with a drunk driver. It's not worth your life.
Shred in peace Blake... I bet the pow is amazing up there.
Here' s a link to the Summit Daily News Article.
Blake was a student of mine back in MN. My heart was saddened to hear this news; another young life taken too soon. Thanks for writing this up.
I was talking to Michael today about some of the funny stories from Colorado, when all of our stuff got taken and you filled out your police report in purple crayon man it made me laugh
You were way to young for this to happen...
But know that you are very loved and so many people care about you Blake.
We'll miss you buddy.
I was on the scene within seconds after the crash, I was at his side with a good samaritian, a young woman who witnessed the crashed when he left this world. This young woman flagged me down, asked for my shoes cause she ran from her home to help. She was trained in CPR an immediately with no hesitation she did everything I mean everything she could to save his life. Some of the story that I felt needs to be told is about this woman wh didn't hesitate to try .
I have been looking for the last 2 days for information on who Blake is. I needed to know the story the life of Blake Roberts so he would not be a stranger to me or just a name. Granted I didn't know him before but I am getting to know him now. RIP Blake. I am so sorry. My prayers and thoughts go out to Blake's family and friends and all who were touched by him. My deepest sympathies to all of you.
Tim G
Avon, CO
Hi everyone,
Caddie Nath with the Summit Daily News here. I am so sorry for your loss. Blake sounds like a pretty amazing person.
Summit County is a tight-knit community and when we lose a local, it impacts so many people. For that reason, we at the Summit Daily News usually do a kind of tribute story when someone in the community passes away. I'm hoping to do a longer follow up story like that remembering Blake, who has obviously made an impact on the community over the last three years. I'd love to talk to any of his friends or loved ones who can share thoughts and memories about him, his hobbies and his life. If you'd like to contribute to the story please contact me as soon as possible at (970) 668-4628 or
Again, my thoughts and condolences go out to all of Blake's friends and family members.
Caddie Nath
Summit Daily News
(970) 668-4628
Thank you for this blog post. I am Blake's Aunt Nancy. Ali, thank you for sharing Blake's story. Tim G and the good samaritan, thank you thank you for being with Blake. It means the world to us. If you want you can contact me at I would be so happy and proud to tell you about my wonderful nephew with the big spirit, great smile, and generous heart. Peace