

Posted on
The snow is back! Check out these pictures from Vail yesterday (courtesy of Vail's FB). The snow sculptures were also this past weekend, which is one of my favorite winter events in Breck. I was a bit worried for the sculptors since it was really warm this past weekend, and unfortunately one crumpled to the ground... But most of them turned...


A Visit From The Ice Age

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Hello 2013 Spring Semester! Spring sounds pretty hysterical to say considering the temperatures the past few weeks... This morning the weather said Breckenridge was -18 but felt like -37. NEGATIVE THIRTY SEVEN! Well crap, who cares about the -18 when it feels like -37?! BRRRR!!!! Yes, this is a real picture of my patio door this morning... Ullr...



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Ahhhhh... Sorry for the long absence! Sometimes you need to clear your head, you know? The semester is over, the snow is falling, and I have gotten some awesome "me" time to relax, rejuvenate, mourn, recoup, and start to get my life together. As I mentioned, the snow has finally started falling in Breckenridge. We've gotten quite a few good storms...



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I apologize for the lack of posting this year. A few events in my life have happened recently that didn't allow me to be as active as I hoped, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. This has easily been the most challenging semester of my life. I am embarrassed with my school performance and attendance this semester. I am normally near a 4.0 student,...


Happy Halloweeeeeen!

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I know, it's been a while since my last post. The beginning of this year has kicked my butt. Now that I'm in my fourth year my classes are getting a lot more advanced and the work is a lot more intense. I've written a couple 5-10 page papers in the last week with one more to work on today. Since I last posted Arapahoe Basin and Loveland have opened...

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